Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is my 3rd post! This post is special, see if you can figure out why before the end!

Cute pink and blue dogs :D

But what are they?

Dog erasers :D

"Lions, Tigers, Bears" !

I wonder if people will recognize which song the above lyric is from o.O

Fish, rabbit, dog, and chicken!

Bears!! Lots of them!!
Reminds me of gummyy bears!



Pandas and ducks :D


This is reallyyyy old, I got them when I was 8 =/ Haha!

Penguin erasers! They came in a cute penguin box which has been thrown away =/

Fortune Cats!!


Fruit and Vege salad =)

More fruits and veges!

Fresh fresh fruits!

Love this! Carton of milk eraser :D

I used to have more, like grape, banana, and dontknowwhatother flavours!
But they've been discarded alr =(

Ice Cream lolli erasers!

=O PPG Ice Cream lolli erasers!

Chocolate stuff again!!

Dont you feel like biting it!

I do =D

Maggi noodles! The box has been thrown away =(

Super cuteee!!

Coke, Pocari Sweat, Lemon, and Orange =D

I feel thirsty already!

Sushi and hotplate items!!!

Love this!

And the bottlecap can even be removed!

Super cool!!

This is even cuter!

I actually placed the fish on top of the frying pan =D


And these, are two pairs of chopsticks!

That can be removed from the cup!


That can be opened to reveal the yolk!!!!!



But I don't know why there is a gap when I place all the slices tgt!



So have you guessed what all these items have in common?
They're all erasers!!!!

Haha yup, I dug up most of these items from my collection of erasers since childhood. But alas, most of them have been discarded already since they've been around since erm like 15 years ago or sth!

Am quite sad about it, but oh well.

Seeing the Food erasers makes me hungry, really hungry!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is my 2nd post featuring more stuff from my collection! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee =)

Starting off with a little childhood memory of sorts =) crayons!

These are a set of crayon erasers!

Are you hungry? This chocolate cream-filled biscuit sure looks yummyyy!


Even the back has such detail. But what is it!

It's a biscuit mirror!!

Another chocolate item in my collection!

This was bought by my mommy =)

It's a notebook!

AND THIS! I found the chocolate pencil box I misplaced! =DD

Contrasting it to the milk chocolate pencil box featured in the 1st post

Milk chocolate and dark chocolate =)


Dessert erasers!

I wanna eatttt itttt


This is really cool! Ichoc =D And it's also organic!

I bought all 4 flavours there were available!

Milk chocolate with caramel crisp
White chocolate with mango
White chocolate with licorice
Milk chocolate


A bottle of pills?


=D It's little capsules that have little pieces of paper in it. You can write little love notes and give it to your boyfr or girlfr!

Yet another apple item in my collection!

An apple sharpener!

Oink Oink!

It's a piggy sharpener!


Oh? Didn't I show this already?

Nope!! The one featured in my 1st post is the big burger lunchbox! This one is the little one =)

And it also has layers just like the big burger lunchbox!
With erasers in it!

The 'drink' and 'ice cream' erasers!

It's actually a sharpener!!! =D

This is the end of the 2nd post =D Hope you have liked the stuff here so far!

Remember to check out my main blog http://theidealisticdelegate.blogspot.com and also follow me on twitter @idealist__
